Distance to nearest gas/diesel station
Nearest gas/diesel station: The Emigrant General Store is 4 miles to the south on Hwy. 89 South. You can purchase gas/diesel 24 hours a day.
Nearest gas/diesel station: The Emigrant General Store is 4 miles to the south on Hwy. 89 South. You can purchase gas/diesel 24 hours a day.
Distance to Yellowstone National Park: We are 35 miles from the North Entrance of Yellowstone National Park, which will take you approximately 30 minutes.
Distance to Chico Hot Springs Lodge: It is 7 miles from Yellowstone’s Edge RV Park.
Nearest grocery store: The Emigrant General Store is 4 miles to the south on Highway 89, South. Store Hours: Monday through Saturday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM and Sunday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The store carries a wide variety of grocery items.
Nearest Walmart: It is located in Bozeman, MT, approximately an hour drive west on Interstate 90.
Nearest restaurants: The Wildflour Bakery and the Livery Stable are located in Emigrant, Montana - 4 miles to the south. Chico Hot Springs Lodge, which has a dining room and the Poolside Grill is located 3 miles east of Emigrant. The Yellowstone Valley Grill is two miles to the north. There are menus for each restaurant [...]
Nearest Car Wash: Located next to Emigrant General Store 4 miles to the south
Swimming: The nearest swimming pool is located at the Chico Hot Springs Lodge and is open to the public. We do not advise swimming in the Yellowstone River as it is swift and has undercurrents!