There is no shortage for outdoor adventures!
Yellowstone National Park has a self-guided, Junior Ranger program for visiting children 4 years and older. This program is a way to introduce children—and those young at heart—to the natural wonders of the park and their own role in preserving these wonders for the future. Full-color booklets are available at park visitor centers for $3 and a patch is awarded to those who complete the requirements.
After completing the age-appropriate requirements described inside the booklet and reviewing their work with a ranger at any visitor center, participants are awarded an official Yellowstone Junior Ranger patch. Modeled after the National Park Service patch, these patches are shaped like an arrowhead and feature a geyser for 4–7 year olds, a grizzly bear for 8–12 year olds, and a bison for those 13–113 years.
Montana Grizzly Encounter provides a spacious and natural home for rescued grizzlies. At the same time it offers the public a place to come and learn about grizzly bears as they watch the majestic animals “up close” in a beautiful mountain setting.
At Natural Bridge Falls the Boulder River pours over the lip of a 105 foot tall limestone rock layer. Unfortunately, the Natural Bridge collapsed in 1988 and all that remains are memories and photos. However, the falls remain and they are spectacular.
Staring down the barrel of a long car ride with kids? These free printable travel games will help keep everyone busy and having fun. Find scavenger hunts, bingo, license plate game, hangman, word searches, connect the dots, and more.
More than 60 mammals live in Yellowstone. Remember what you see will vary with the weather, season, and behavior of the animals. You might see these and other animals in other places in the park, or you might not see any at all. Enjoy looking for and watching wildlife.